Upcoming events

Ewell Library Digital Skills -  6 week course Tuesdays starting 28th January


Ewell Library STEM Workshop -  Tuesday 18th February

Ewell Library Creative Coding Workshop -  Tuesday 18th February


Museum Kid's Club - Cave Painting Thursday 20th February 

Please contact David Brooks  for further information or to book your place: dbrooks@epsom-ewell.gov.uk


Artisan Market - Saturday 1st March


Museum Kid's Club - Struggling Suffragettes Saturday 8th March 

Please contact David Brooks  for further information or to book your place: dbrooks@epsom-ewell.gov.uk


ART EXHIBITION - in the foyer

Museum Kid's Club - Plague and Fire Saturday 12th April 

Please contact David Brooks  for further information or to book your place: dbrooks@epsom-ewell.gov.uk

Ewell Library Lego Club -  Every Thursday